A Day that will live in Alchemy: 10 June 2024

12 Months of Mornings

The 12 Months of Mornings project continues, now already 5 tracks strong, during this time of year blessed with bright mornings but not always great weather. Luckily, that doesn’t have too much an effect on the ability of those おはよオーリバー (Good Morning) shots to be turned into some interesting music, which frequently even surprises myself.

In June 2024 the photo for June 10th made the cut and it eventually ended sounding like this:

For convenience all tracks are also up on youtube. Other streaming services will be added once the year is complete. The main release is still via bandcamp!

So, how did it come to sound like this?

The additive resynthesis window in Alchemy, showing the image (pixelated and no longer polychrome), loop points (yellow) and some basic parameters)

On this occasion I decided to forego some of the tools I relied more heavily upon on for some of the previous tracks, such as Photosounder, SoundArt etc. Instead all the fundamental sounds were created using Camel Audio’s fantastic Alchemy Synth. (Sadly now only available as part of Logic, as the Camel Audio was sold to Apple & the VSTi was discontinued – but luckily I still have it from when I did beta testing and it still works!)

Various different instances of Alchemy were used, all based on the same resynthesis oscillator using the image of June 10th 2024, but with different settings & treated with different effects.

Alchemy can load images for resynthesis into its oscillators and with that create some very unique and interesting sounds. Unlike some of the standalone programs, the waveform created via additive (fft-) resynthesis, works like a regular oscillator, can be modulated with LFOs and envelopes, is routed through the filter and VCA and, viola, you have a nice sound!

The arrangement window looking almost deceptively simple. That’s only the automation for one track showing…

The composition was inspired/based on the picture in a loose interpretation. But I think you can still see/hear similarities with the structure of the track and the image if read from right to left (yes, let’s not always read left to right in a Eurocentric way!)

Do have a listen to this latest, and all the tracks! And if you are able, please consider supporting the project by buying the album on Bandcamp!

Do follow on Twittre &/or BlueSky where the photos are posted each morning – your likes, comments, reposts etc all have an influence on which photo gets chosen each month!